How to Deal with Knee Ligament Tears and Sprains

A sprain in your knee occurs when the knee ligament tears or gets stretched beyond its limit. These sprains can be very painful and persistent, and the damage may be irreversible if left untreated for a long time. Because of this risk, it is important to take proper precautions before the sprain goes on to become a chronic injury.

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The following are just a few ways you can deal with a knee sprain to make sure it heals properly, as well as how to prevent the problem in the future.

Refrain from Exercise

No matter how you got the sprain in the first place, you should always be weary of making the damage even worse. While you don’t have to completely refrain from working out, any exercise that requires using your knee should be avoided completely until at least two weeks after the pain subsides.

Do Not Refrain from Movement

As part of the healing process, you still need to use your knees in order to ensure they heal properly. When you keep the leg still for long periods of time, there are chances the knee may not be accustomed to movement again. In the case of knee ligament tears, the healing process requires that you move around enough to allow the newly healed ligament to stretch itself out; although, you should not overdo it.

Use a Knee Brace

For the first two weeks or so after getting the injury, you should use a knee brace to allow your knee to settle and begin the healing process. The brace will provide support and help relieve your knee joint from an unnecessary burden. These braces are relatively cheap and can be picked up at most local pharmacies.

Use Proper Posture

Most of us have different ways of sitting down, but in the case of knee ligament tears or stretches, you should always be aware that the way you sit will dictate how much pain you will feel when you stand. When seated, you should use proper posture by keeping your back straight and your knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Above all else you should avoid sitting cross legged because it will absolutely place more strain on your knees.

Visit Your Doctor No Matter the Severity

A knee sprain is an odd injury because sometimes the degree of pain does not always match the severity of the injury. Actually, a torn ligament can cause only mild, recurring pain depending on how you move. A doctor will be able to use a series of techniques to assess how much damage has been done to your knee joint.

Avoid Injury in the Future

Above all else, you should do everything in your power to avoid whatever caused the injury in the first place. A knee injury in particular is significant because an injury will put it at further risk of injury in the future. Thus, you should keep the above in mind when you are recovering from knee ligament tears in order to heal up and get moving again.

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