Getting Back on the Field Tips to Deal with Common Sports Injuries

If you are an active sports player, then you put your body through a lot of stress and strain. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that you may suffer from a sports-related injury at some point in your life.

When we have to spend some time away from the sports we love, it is easy to get frustrated and try and rush back without giving your body sufficient time to heal. So, with that in mind, we have put together some tips to deal with common sports injuries.

Sprains and Strains

No matter what sport you play, at some point, you are going to push yourself too hard during a game or while training. When this happens, it is common for players to strain their muscles or sprain ligaments. Examples include hamstring strains, pulled groins, and sprained wrists.

Getting Back on the Field: Tips to Deal with Common Sports Injuries

In most cases, these injuries occur by overstretching, overuse, or by insufficient warm-ups. Therefore, prevention is the best form of treatment in all these cases. Allow for adequate rest periods and make sure you warm up before you start any vigorous activity.

Also, if you notice any niggles or pain in any area, then stop and rest for a few days to see if the discomfort subsides. However, if you have been diagnosed with a strain or sprain, it is essential to give the body a chance to heal and any inflammation to go down.

The treatment will depend on the severity of the strain, but in many cases, rest, ice compresses, and the use of supports will help you get back on the field in no time.

Achilles Tendon Injuries

The Achilles tendon is an integral part of the human body and gets worked especially hard by people who play basketball, football, soccer, and tennis. The quick movements and changes in direction associated with these sports can cause imbalances between the feet and the calves, which can lead to tears and ruptures.

When the Achilles tendon tears or ruptures, the pain will be intense, and there is likely to be swelling almost instantly. Regardless of the severity of the problem and treatment option selected, a period of rest will be necessary to help the tendon heal properly.

During rehabilitation, you will need to have physical therapy to help build up strength and to promote healing of the tendon. During this period, you may overdo things if you feel strong, but it is vital that you are patient. Pushing yourself too much could lead to complications and an even longer period on the sidelines.

Rotator Cuff Tears

Rotator cuff tears can cause problems in the shoulder joint for people who perform repetitive overhead movements such as throwing a football, swinging a bat or serving in a tennis match.

The pain can vary greatly, but as the condition develops, you will notice stiffness and a limited range of movement. If the tear is a result of trauma, then the pain will come on suddenly and be accompanied by weakness in the joint.

In minor cases, rest and pain relief will help calm things down. If you notice any of the symptoms of a rotator cuff tear, it is crucial that you get evaluated as soon as possible so that further damage doesn’t occur.

As with the other sports injuries mentioned, it is important to be patient and follow the guidance of your doctor. If they say rest, then avoid the temptation to work out; likewise, if they recommend exercises and physical therapy, make sure you do it.

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