Four Tips to Help Manage Your Arthritis Care

Living with arthritis presents many unique and painful challenges on a daily basis. Simple and routine daily activities can be difficult because of the pain associated with all forms of arthritis. Luckily, these days, there has been a lot of research and developments, which have made life more manageable for sufferers.

There is a tremendous amount of information and many techniques available. While the severity of the symptoms can vary from person to person, these tips will help you manage your arthritis care.

Healthy Eating

No matter what kind of arthritis you have, it is absolutely vital that you maintain a healthy and balanced diet. This is especially true if you are overweight, as excess weight can put extra pressure on the joints.

Your diet should consist of a mixture of fruit, vegetables, starchy foods, meat, fish, and eggs, as well as foods containing natural sugars and healthy fats. Oily fish high in omega-3 is highly recommended, as it helps support the joints.

Four Tips to Help Manage Your Arthritis Care

Regular Exercise

As with all musculoskeletal problems, it is always a good idea to remain as active as possible. While you may not always feel like it, especially if the pain is terrible, every little bit will help. Your doctor or physical therapist will usually put together an exercise regimen specifically designed for your body and symptoms. The last thing you should do is lock yourself away, as this can have a negative impact on both your mental and physical health.

In all cases, exercise will help build up strength in the joints, aid in weight loss, and get you moving. The mental benefits will help you manage the pain better and feel a bit more positive about your condition. Walking, swimming, or cycling are all great ways to get moving.


One of the most significant challenges faced by people with arthritis is learning to manage the pain in a way that enables them to lead a full and active life. There are lots of things that your doctor can do for you to help you, such as medicine, suggestions on stretches and exercise regimens, as well as pain management programs.

If you are newly diagnosed, you may feel overwhelmed, but you are definitely not alone. In fact, the CDC recently reported that around 54 million adults in the United States have some form of arthritis. Therefore, there is a lot of support available to help you learn how to adjust to the pain and continue on with the sort of life you desire.

Keep Things Simple at Home

Small modifications around the house can make life much easier for you, especially on days when you are in more pain. Electrical kitchen appliances such as can openers are a great help, as are handrails around the house. You could also make life simpler by making sure that the items you use most often are always easy to reach.

Your physician will give you advice on the best ways to carry out everyday tasks such as cooking and cleaning so that you get a good stretch and can keep living a normal life.

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