5 Subtle Signs You May Need to Consult an Orthopedic Surgeon ASAP

Anyone who trains daily is going to experience some aches and pains in their lifetime. While this discomfort is generally not too serious, it is important for all athletes to know when it is time to find help. Here is a look at five common signs that you should schedule an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon in Colorado Springs ASAP.


Laying or Sitting for Long Periods Is Painful

Discomfort after long periods of being in the same position is a clear sign that there is a medical issue that must be treated. Many times, this discomfort is the result of musculoskeletal issues that an orthopedic surgeon in Colorado Springs can diagnose and treat.

Morning Stiffness Lasts for Longer than 30 Minutes

Some stiffness in the morning is completely normal for those that are in the middle of a rigorous training program. After stretching or taking a shower, however, most of these issues should subside. If you have noticed that it is taking you longer than a half hour to get rid of morning aches and pains, then it is time to seek help at an orthopedic practice such as Colorado Center for Orthopaedic Excellence.

You Have Been Referred to an Ortho Surgeon by Your Doctor

It is a patient’s primary healthcare provider that generally makes the suggestion of seeing an orthopedic surgeon. Many patients will see their doctor due to pain, stiffness, or a limited range of motion only to be referred to a specialist. No one should ever ignore these referrals as failing to seek out additional treatments could result in permanent damage.

An Unusual Symptom in a Pain Region

Pain in certain areas of the body such as one’s elbows and knees is often accompanied by some minor swelling and redness. Those that notice additional issues such as unusual coloring or bruising should contact an orthopedic doctor. This may indicate ligament damage.

Chronic Inflammation Around Joints

Anyonewhocarries out repetitive motions for a long period of time has a much higher chance of developing arthritis. Not all forms of arthritis are completely treatable, but a specialist will be able to help you minimize the side effects of this condition including pain and inflammation around joints.


(Orthopaedics, orthoinfo.aaos.org)

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